Sunday, July 27, 2008

Speaking in Tongues?

UPDATE: Tim successfully completed his mission. Sunday morning at 11:30 Tim preached his first sermon in Portuguese. Everything ran well and Tim was understood by all. Here is a short clip, sorry the audio is not the best. And guess what? He gets to do it again next week (5 pm Sunday) b/c another church is down one pastor due to a family emergency. So you can just keep on praying. At least he can preach the same sermon since this is a different church. Thank you so much for praying. Your prayers were definitely felt.


Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to imagine how stressful that could be. But how awesome! Hope you all are well.

Jonathan Kelly clark said...

That is so cool to hear Tim speak the language like that. Glad to hear it went well and another one next week!

Anonymous said...

Snails!! yuck, but kids will eat most anything.

Anonymous said...

Oops, that comment was suppose to be on the "snail" post. Jeanne